You disgust me. You’re delightful. Let's be bugs together.
How do you translate your body? Do you secretly know you’re the least favorite child? Why do some words taste so good? How horny was Franz Kafka? What joy can we find by releasing the need to be understood? And how many blueberries can you fit in your mouth at once? All this and more at THIS BUG IS GAY, an hour-long cabaret performed in German, starring Gregor Samsa from Kakfa’s The Metamorphosis reimagined as a queer clown. keywords: queerness, German, body horror, absurdity, blueberries, clowning, cabaret, dream-nightmare, experiments, translation, high-achieving sisters Development:
New Georges Audrey Residency 2023-24 The Bushwick Starr Reading Series Spring 2024 The Brick ?!New Works Fest, August 2023 developed with and directed by Katherine Wilkinson dramaturgy by Elizagrace Madrone music by Lila Blue |