The Shakespeare & Autism Project
Shakespeare & Autism featured in The Theatre Development Fund American Theatre magazine! Check out the latest article on Shakespeare & Autism, courtesy of Quartz! We are featured in Dramatics Magazine and the Educational Theatre Association! Shakespeare & Autism: "In A Heartbeat" Genevieve is currently leading a Shakespeare & Autism branch in New York City at Manhattan Youth! Genevieve is a member of the Core Actor Team for The Shakespeare & Autism Project, a collaborative performance/research initiative established by Kelly Hunter (former Royal Shakespeare Company actress), The Nisonger Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, and The Ohio State Department of Theatre. The Project investigates the ability of Shakespeare and dramatic games to break through the communicative blocks of autism using The Hunter Heartbeat Method. During the research initiative phase beginning in 2012 until the conclusion of the study in May 2014, Genevieve and four other actors engaged with grade school children on the autism spectrum on a weekly basis, using play and dramatic structure to encourage social skills such as eye contact, emotional expression and recognition, personal space, role-playing, imagination, and verbal communication. Genevieve has led master classes and presented the work of The Shakespeare & Autism Project at
The Shakespeare & Autism Project has performed and led workshops in Ohio, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Los Angeles, New York City, London, and Spain. Results of the OSU Nisonger Study of Shakespeare & Autism HERE For more information, see: Washington Post article, April 2013: 10TV News Segment, April 2013: |